The Signature Vase, basic item designed with broad base,and just the right thickness and weight.
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The Small Bowl, basic item designed with broad base, stable form,and just the right thickness and weight.
The Dinner Plate, basic item designed with broad base, stable form,and just the right thickness and weight.
The Cera Mug, basic item designed with broad base, stable form,and just the right thickness and weight.
The Bottle, basic item designed with broad base, stable form,and just the right thickness and weight.
경기도 고양시 덕양구 삼원로83 광양프런티어밸리6차 313, 314호 ㅣ 회사명. 파머스그레인 ㅣ 대표자. 안윤미 ㅣ 사업자등록번호. 418-88-00984 ㅣ T. 031-932-5237 ㅣ F. 031-932-5236
파머스그레인 ㅣ 대표자 안윤미 ㅣ 사업자등록번호 418-88-00984
주소 경기도 고양시 덕양구 삼원로83 광양프런티어밸리6차 313, 314호
전화번호 031-932-5237 ㅣ 팩스 031-932-5236 ㅣ 이메일
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